Reading Culture In America Needs Diverse

Reading Culture In America Needs Diverse

On March 2nd every year, it is NEA’s Read Across America. Previously, schools, libraries, and bookstores celebrated this day by reading books by Dr. Seuss and organizing activities related to Dr. Seuss. In recent years, we have diversified the related activities to commemorate this day, with a focus on emphasizing reading culture. We are delighted that this change is taking place as it will make the day accessible to all ages, ethnicities, and educational backgrounds. Additionally, it will create programs and activities that concentrate on acceptance, kindness, and cultural diversity. In this blog post, I want to share with you some different activities and ideas that you can use on this day. These are new events for National Read Across America Day or any time there is a book-related activity taking place.

1. Cultural Fair

Taking the most visual example in the school you are attending, you can organize a cultural fair showcasing regions and countries worldwide. This requires creative and invested students to carefully curate and decorate their booths. Each class will be responsible for a country, researching and decorating their booth to make it visually appealing and attract as many participants as possible.

This activity can be prepared 1 to 1.5 months in advance. Teachers will guide and participate in researching and decorating with students. Ensure that students research various aspects of the culture: geography, language, weather, customs, traditions, holidays, cuisine, etc. After completing their research, students will create a visual display of the culture (photographs, newspapers, clothing, food, models, etc.).

The United States is a racially diverse country; you can invite people familiar with or whose parents come from the respective country to showcase songs, and dances, or simply talk about their homeland.

Reading Culture In America Needs Diverse
Cultural Fair

2. Reading Challenge

Create reading journals and distribute them to the students. Depending on the age and proficiency levels, and considering that there are different standards and goals for each student, include categories such as the number of books, book titles, authors, page numbers, minutes per day, etc. When students complete their reading journals, the school will reward them with prizes and gifts to enhance their motivation.

Reading Culture In America Needs Diverse
Reading Challenge

3. DIY

Craft activities related to books and authors like Dr. Seuss, Ezra Jack Keats, Patricia Polacco, etc. Students will create posters, book covers, or decorate items such as shirts, bags, hats, cups, etc., with themes inspired by their favorite books or authors. Teachers and parents can assist the students in completing these “projects.” You can refer to images for decoration related to Dr. Seuss or his books in our Dr. Seuss category. The high-quality images will not disappoint you.

Reading Culture In America Needs Diverse
DIY A Tote Bag

4. Books For Everyone

Encourage school staff, students, and parents to each bring their favorite book and bring it on National Read Across America Day. Create a suggestion board for books and colorful pens nearby for participants to propose their favorite books on the board.

Reading Culture In America Needs Diverse
World Map Filled With Books

Above are some ways to bring National Read Across America Day closer to everyone in the country. Perhaps you already have a promising idea for your own Read Across America Day, haven’t you? Thank you for reading this far, support us in the Dr. Seuss category, where you can find images related to Dr. Seuss that you will surely need to decorate your book covers. Happy reading!

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