How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional

How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional

What Are SVG Files? 

First of all, you must understand what SVG files is. We have a very specific and detailed article on this question. We guarantee that after reading it, you will clearly understand the nature of SVG files. Read that article here

How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional

What Are SVG Files Used For?

  • Icon: SVG files are widely employed for creating scalable and high-quality icons that can be used across different devices and resolutions.
  • Logo: Many logos are designed and stored as SVG files due to their ability to scale without loss of quality, making them suitable for various applications.
  • Animations: SVG supports animation through CSS or JavaScript, making it a popular choice for creating scalable and interactive animations on websites and applications.
  • Data Visualizations: SVG is frequently used for creating data visualizations, such as charts and graphs, because of its scalability and ability to adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Illustrations: Artists and designers often use SVG for illustrations and graphics, taking advantage of its ability to scale seamlessly while maintaining crisp details.
  • Print on clothes: Designers often utilize SVG files to ensure that clothing prints maintain sharpness and clarity regardless of the size or scale of the print.
How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional

How To Make SVG Files?

When You Already Have Existing Images:

It’s a lot easier if you already have an image to convert to an SVG file, because once you have an image ready, you’ll skip the design document and editing. And here’s how to convert your images into SVG files

To convert an existing image into an SVG file, utilize a bitmap tracer or an SVG Maker tool. These tools identify shapes, lines, and figures within the pixels and transform the image into a clean SVG. The final SVG’s layer count and color/shade details depend on the number of scans performed.

  • Open Image in SVG Editor:

Launch an SVG editing program, such as CorelDRAW, with a Bitmap Tracing feature. Import your original image and choose it for bitmap-tracing.

How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
  • Adjust Scans and Color Settings:

Select the desired number of scans and customize color settings. Experiment until you achieve the desired shape. Multiple attempts may be necessary, especially if the original image has pixelation.

  • Select Vector Layers:

Identify the shapes you want within the vector layers created. Address any flaws in the bitmap image by removing or editing specific layers in your vector scan.

  • Isolate Silhouette or Outline (Optional):

If aiming for a simple outline for crafts, choose the vector layers that form the silhouette or desired shape. Combine the “path” of the vectors to unify selected layers into a single vector object.

  • Save or Export as SVG:

Finally, export the file to the SVG format and save your document. Your image is now transformed into a scalable vector graphic suitable for various applications.

When You Want To Make Original SVG Design:

When you are not satisfied or bored with the designs on the internet, or you are an artist who wants to create a unique work, creating your own SVG design is not a bad direction. This requires you to be a little creative and skillful. Currently there are many software that do this, but we only give you 2 suggestions to avoid confusion: Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape. And the following steps will help you realize that on each software:

Using Adobe Illustrator to create an SVG:

How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
  1. Create a New Illustrator Document: Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Choose the size and dimensions by clicking “New File” from the opening screen or selecting “File” in the menu bar and then “New.” Adobe Illustrator is part of Adobe Creative Cloud, and you can get it through a subscription or as a standalone subscription.If you prefer a free option, you can use Inkscape instead, we’ll show you the guide in next part.
  2. Draw an Image: Utilize various tools to draw your SVG image:
    • Shape Tools: Click and hold the rectangle tool to access other shape tools. Click and drag to draw a new shape.
    • Line Tool: Draw straight lines by clicking the line tool, then clicking and dragging.
    • Brush Tool: Create brush strokes freehand using the paintbrush icon.
    • Pen Tool: Draw complex shapes with the pen tool by clicking to create straight lines or clicking and dragging for curved lines.
    • Text Tool: Type on your drawing by clicking the “T” in the toolbar.
  3. Modify Shapes: Use the selection tool to move and adjust shapes. The direct select tool allows you to modify points and curves.
  4. Combine and Cut Shapes: Utilize the Pathfinder:
    • Select overlapping shapes.
    • Open Pathfinder by clicking Windows and then Pathfinder.
    • Choose options like “Unite” to combine shapes, “Minus Front” to subtract, “Intersect” to create a new shape at intersections, and “Exclude” to cut intersecting parts.
  5. Add and Change Colors: Adjust fill and stroke colors:
    • Open the Color panel by clicking Window and then Color.
    • Pick fill and stroke colors.
    • Use the color picker or adjust stroke thickness from the Menu bar.
  6. Save as SVG: Save your image as an SVG file:
    • Click “Files.”
    • Select “Save As.” Choose “SVG” from the drop-down menu. Enter a filename. Click “Save.”

Using Inkscape to create an SVG:

How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
How To Make SVG Files? Beginners And Professional
  1. Create a New Inkscape Document: Launch Inkscape, a free and open-source alternative to Adobe Illustrator. Click “New Document” on the title page or select “File” in the menu bar and then “New.”
  2. Draw an Image: Utilize Inkscape’s tools for drawing:
    • Shape Tools: Choose from rectangles, circles, polygons, etc. Click the desired shape in the left toolbar, then click and drag to draw.
    • Connector Tool: Create straight lines with the squiggly line in the toolbar.
    • Calligraphy Tool: Generate freehand brush strokes using the paintbrush icon.
    • Pen Tool: Craft complex shapes by clicking the fountain pen tip. Click again for straight lines or click and drag for curved lines.
    • Text Tool: Add text with the “A” in the toolbar.
  3. Modify Shapes: Use the selector tool (black mouse cursor) to move and adjust shapes. The node tool (cursor with a square node icon) allows moving points and adjusting bezier curves.
  4. Combine and Cut Shapes: Employ the shape builder tool:
    • Select overlapping shapes.
    • Click the shape builder tool in the toolbar (icon resembles a merged square and a circle).
    • Click the plus (+) sign to combine or minus (-) sign to cut.
    • Click parts of the shape to perform the action.
    • Click “Finish” in the upper-right corner.
  5. Add and Change Colors: Adjust fill and stroke colors:
    • Click “Object” followed by “Fill and Stroke” to open the panel.
    • Select fill color under the Fill tab.
    • Choose stroke color under the Stroke Paint tab. Adjust stroke thickness and style under Stroke Style.
  6. Save as SVG: Inkscape automatically saves images as SVG files:
    • Click “File” followed by “Save” or “Save As” to save the image as an SVG in Inkscape.

The two software mentioned above have their own characteristics and strengths, but both have similar uses. And if you are new to SVG design and want to try your hand at it, choose Inkscape because this software is free and user-friendly, easy to use. If you are a professional designer with high expertise, consider Adobe Illustrator because this software is paid and is intended for professionals. Anyways, the choice is still yours, we hope that what we offer can help you in your SVG file creation process. Love you guys so muchhh.

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