How to Create a Template in GIMP

How to Create Artwork for Print with GIMP

GIMP or GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a completely free image editing software application. This tool is capable of assisting users in editing images, restoring them, processing image layouts, and supporting a wide range of image formats that other tools may not handle.

While it may not compare to Photoshop, especially at a certain level, especially for users seeking a new experience, GIMP is a choice and is one of the prominent names in the list of the best alternatives to Photoshop.

Both beginners and professional photo editors will appreciate the customizable interface of the application, allowing you to create a perfect editing environment for your needs. Not only can you customize the available tools, but you can also adjust the colors, utilities, and tool spacing for your workspace.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a template in Gimp.

The Templates Dialog

The Templates dialog

GIMP provides you with a wide variety of templates, and you can create your templates as well. When creating a new image, you can access a list of existing templates but cannot manage them. The “Templates” dialog allows you to manage all of these templates.

Activating the Dialog

The “Templates” dialog is a dockable dialog; “Dialogs and Docking” for assistance in working with it.

– Image menu: Windows → Dockable Dialogs → Templates.
– Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking and selecting Add Tab → Templates.

Using the Templates Dialog

You select a template by clicking on its icon. Right-clicking will display a contextual menu providing functions similar to those of the buttons.

Grid/List modes

  • In the Tab menu for the Templates dialog, you choose between Grid View and List View.
  • In Grid View, the templates are arranged in a rectangular array of identical icons (unless you provide them with a specific icon, as we’ll see later). Only the name of the selected template is displayed. In List View, they are stacked vertically, with identical icons as well, and all names are shown.
  • In this Tab menu, the Preview Size option allows you to change the size of the thumbnails.

Buttons at the bottom

The buttons at the bottom of the dialog allow you to interact with the templates in various ways:

1. Create a new image from the selected template:
Clicking on this button will generate a new image with the settings specified in the selected template.

2. Create a new template:
Clicking on this button opens the New Template dialog, similar to the Edit Template dialog we will see below.

3. Duplicate the selected template:
Clicking on this button opens the Edit Template dialog for the duplicated template.

4. Edit the selected template:
Clicking on this button opens the Edit Template dialog where you can adjust settings related to the image for the selected template.

5. Delete the selected template:
This action will delete the selected template after confirmation.

Edit Template

The Edit Template dialog

This dialog allows you to change the settings of the selected template.

You can access this dialog by clicking on the Edit Template button at the bottom of the Templates Dialog

Advanced Options

Advanced Options

Is Gimp or Photoshop better?

I have referred to the comments of Simeon G. Prince working at CSM eMarketing & Consulting on the use of the above tools as follows:

You can do your best artwork using any group of software. I would recommend sketching your designs on paper first. Of course, you can become a Professional Graphic Designer using Inkscape and Gimp. I use those exclusively and continue to outshine other graphic artists. I run my own design company, my clients are happy with my work. You can do the same. At the very end, skill trumps all programs. If you’re good at using Illustrator and Photoshop, you’ll be great at Inkscape and Gimp. They’re also good for newbies.

Here is my guide on How to Create a Template in GIMP. I hope our article proves helpful to you. Don’t forget to leave a comment below to share your thoughts on this post.

SVGTrending is a platform dedicated to craftsmen and creative individuals with unique interests was founded by designer Mr. David. He is a distinguished graphic designer and the creative force behind the groundbreaking website With an unwavering passion for graphic design, Mr. David has become a seasoned expert, specializing in seamlessly merging artistic expression with functional design.

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